This one year Diploma course is designed to transform your life. This course is meant for the people who like to become an Airhostess and Care in the Air.™ Many young people opt for cabin crew as a full-fledged career prospect because of the high salaries, exciting experience of flying and interacting with different kinds of people on board and visiting several countries. The liberation of the Indian skies has thrown open a lot of job opportunities in this field. This profession requires lot of hard work, commitment, smartness and total dedication.

The job entails performing safety and service duties which ensure that air travelers are flying in a safe environment, whilst receiving excellent standards of friendly service. Life is always varied when you work as cabin crew. Your training in communication, team work, first aid, personality development and customer care skills will also be helpful and can also be transferred to other areas of your life. The Course at IGIA conforms to the International standards of airlines’ in-flight operations and hospitality industry. It prepares you to handle the toughest moments in airlines selection.

With the continued expansion in the air transport industry, airlines are seeking thousands of applications from good quality people with the right knowledge and personality for the job of Cabin Crew. A candidate undergoing this course has multiple career opportunities lying open for her / him. With foreign airlines also hiring Indian Crews, the whole world is yours to fly.
This is a high flying career that offers high salaries, superb perks, excellent working environment and above all to do what you always wanted to do. To be over the world.
It is a career where your skills will be in high demand. Airline Industry – as Air hostess, flight steward, traffic assistant, ticketing / reservation staff, Customer service agent, Sales / marketing staff, Airline call centres etc.
Hospitality Industry
as front office staff, F&B Executive, Housekeeping executive, customer care executives etc.
Cruise Ships
as steward / stewardess, Customer service Executive, F&B Coordinator, etc.
Travel agency
as counter staff, tour Coordinator, reservation staff, etc.
Cargo Agency
in administration, sales, space booking, etc.
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Eligibility for admission to the course is Higher Secondary certificate (10+2) from a recognized board.
● Age – In between 17-27 Yrs.
● Height – Male – 172 Cm with proportionate weight, as per BMI.
● Height – Female – 155Cm with proportionate weight, as per BMI.
● Near Vision – N/5 in better eye and N/6 in worst eye.
● Distant Vision – 6/6 in one eye & 6/9 in another eye.
● Spectacles not allowed.
● Contact lenses up to +2D permitted.
● Speech – Clear Speech, no stammering, lisping.
● No visible tattoos.
● Appearance: Positive body language.